SpongeBob SquarePants

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Expressing granting request, relief, pain, and pleasure

Expressing Grant Request
·          Alright.
·         Certainly.
·         Right away.
·         Of course.

Expressing relief:
- Oh, that’s a relief.                 - I’m very relieved to hear that.
- Thank goodness for that.      - I’m extremely glad to hear that.
- Thank heavens!                     - What a relief!
- Oh, good!                             - Good for you.
- Oh, marvelous!                     - I’m glad it’s done.
- Oh, what a relief!                  - I’m glad everything is running well.
- That’s alright, then.               - I feel so relieved.
- Phew!                                    - This ointment relieves my pain.
- Thank God for that.              - It’s very relaxing.

Interjection (a sound in English to express pain):
- Ouch! It hurts me so much.
- Ouch! Stop pinching me.
- Oh! What shall I do if he’s already married?
- Ooh! My head aches! And my back hurts!
- Ah! What is it?
- Ouch! That hurts!
- Aw! The pain hurts me very much.
- It’s very painful. I can't stand it.
- I can’t stand it. The pain is getting worse and worse.

Expressing pleasure/pleased:
- I’m very pleased with this room.                  - Smashing!
- Oh, how marvelous!                                     - Terrific!
- Oh, it’s wonderful!                                       - Fantastic!
- It’s good news.                                             - Super!
- I’m very delighted.                                       - I’m glad you like it.
- It gives me great pleasure.                            - This is great, isn’t it?
- I can’t say how pleased I am.                       - I can’t say how delighted I am.
- Great!

Contoh percakapan dengan menggunakangranting request, relief, pain, dan pleasure
Dialog 1
Rina     : “Hallo Din, can you do me a favor?” (Requesting)
Andin  : “Sure I will.” (Granting Request)
Rina     : “Could you please pass me a Chemistry note now?” (Requesting)
Andin  : “OK. Here it is.” (Granting Request)
Rina     : “Thanks a lot Andin.”
Andin  : “Yeah, you are welcome.”

Dialog 2
Andina      : “Excuse me, Ma’am. I’d like to return this book”
Librarian   : “Sure. May I have your membership card, please?”
Andina      : “Sure, here is the card. I think I’m a day late returning it, aren’t I?”
Librarian   : “Let me check. No, you’ve returned it on time.”
Andina      : “How relieving!”

Dialog 3
Dea            : “Ouch!
Sally          : “What’s wrong with you, Devi?”
Dea            : “A bee stung my arm! Look! It’s really painful.”
Sally          : “Poor you. Just wait. I think I brought balm in my bag”

Dialog 4
Sally          : “I have great news for all of us.”
Rony          : “What is it?”
Sally          : “The principal agrees with our proposal to have a school band competition”.

Rony          : “I’m very delighted to hear that”

Dialog 5
Rina     : “Will you tell me about it?”
Andin  : “Sure I will.”
Rina     : “Let’s try to make cake sometimes?”
Andin  : “OK.”

Dialog 6
Ann     : “I’m very worried that it will be rain tomorrow, I don’t have an umbrella.”
Bella    : “Don’t worry, it will be sunny tomorrow. I saw the weather forecast for tomorrow, and it will turn out good.
Ann     : “Oh, what’s a relief.”

Dialog 7
Dea   : “Ouch!
Sally : “What’s up, Dea?”
Dea   : “I have a headache.”
Sally : “Poor you. I think you should take an aspirin.”
Dea   : “Yes, you are right. But I don’t have an aspirin. Can you buy me in the drugstore?”
Sally : “All right. Wait a minute.”
Dea   : “Thanks Sally.”
Sally : “You are welcome.”

Dialog 8
Shinta  : “Your painting is really good. You’re really like professional artist.”
Reny    : “Thank you. I’ve tried my best to finish this painting.”
Shinta  : “I’m delighted to hear that.”

1. Dody, Achmad et al. 2008. Developing English Competences for Senior High School (SMA/MA) Grade XI. Jakarta: Setia Purna Invest.
2.  Eudia, Grace. 2007 . Look Ahead: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year XI. Jakarta: Erlangga
3.  Joko Priyana et al. 2008. Interlanguage. Depdiknas

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