SpongeBob SquarePants

Minggu, 30 Desember 2018


Hi cizen, pernah gk sih kalo lagi ngomong tapi gk diperhatiin? CTu sih kayaknya sering T_T, padahal kalo kita mau ngomongin sesuatu pasti pengen diperhatiin kan?! Nah di materi kali ini CTu mau sharing materi tentang “asking attention” atau yang artinya meminta perhatian. Kira-kira ekspresi apa aja yang bisa digunakan buat meminta perhatian dan gimana cara menggunakannya dalam dialog? Let’s check it out!!!

Expressions of Asking Attention
Expressions of Giving Attention
Look at me!
Listen to me!
Guess what!
Excuse me!
Attention, please!
Everybody, may I have your attention, please?
Look what I’ve got here!
Yes Ma’am/Sir!
I see!
All right!
Tell me more about it.
Oh, yes. Really?
What’s next?
How interesting.

Dialogue 1:

Atty       : Ion, I want to tell you a story, listen to me!
Ion         : Okay! 
Atty       : Yesterday, I bought a new novel from a bookstore.
Ion         : What’s next?
Atty       : Look what I’ve got here! I got the Aquaman’s novel.
Ion         : Wow, that’s cool. May I borrow it?
Atty       : Sure, let me read this first okay!
Ion         : Yeah, I can’t believe that I can read the novel.

Dialogue 2:

Teacher   : Good morning everyone! May I have your attention, please!
Students : Good morning! Yes Ma’am.
Teacher  : We will have English daily test tomorrow.
Students : Pardon me Ma’am!
Teacher  : Listen! We will have English daily test tomorrow. Don’t forget to prepare for the test!
Students : Sure Ma’am. We will do our best!
Teacher  : Okay, that’s all for today! See you tomorrow!
Students : Thank you Ma’am. See you!

Cizen, kalo lagi belajar siapa yang sering ngobrol atau gk merhatiin guru ketika mereka ngajar? T_T 
Ternyata memperhatikan guru ketika mereka mengajar adalah salah satu adab dalam menuntut ilmu loh. Seperti kisah Al fatih dan gurunya atau imam-imam besar dan gurunya. Diantara adab tersebut adalah meluruskan niat, bersungguh-sungguh dan takjim/hormat kepada guru. So, mari kita biasakan jadi murid yang beradab, salah satunya menghormati dan memperhatikan guru ketika sedang belajar. Guru kita bikin ngantuk atau ngajarnya ngebosenin? Kita bisa bicara baik-baik, contohnya “Pak/bu, boleh gk pelajaran nanti ada permainannya?” simple kan?! Walaupun ilmu yang didapat hanya sedikit tapi jika ilmunya berkah, insyaAllah akan jadi pahala yang mengalir terus menerus guys, aamiin….

Okay, sebagai penutupnya CTu kasih kuis ya! Kalian boleh share jawabannya di kolom komentar! See you next time! Bye bye!

Answer the following question!

1.       Teacher        : “Attention, please!
Students      : “Yes, Ma’am”

What does the underlined sentence mean?
a.       the teacher is asking the students’ attendance
b.      the teacher is asking the students’ attention
c.       the teacher is asking the students’ understanding.
d.      the teacher is asking the students’ answer.

2.       Teacher  : Assalamu’alaikum, hallo Everyone ………..(2) ?
         Students: Wa’alaikumsalam, sure Miss. 

a.       may I go to the toilet, please?
b.      may I go to the canteen with me?
c.       may I have you attention, please? 
d.      may I go home, please?  

3.       The following expressions are the expressions of asking attention, except ….
a.       Got it?
b.      Guess what!
c.       Excuse me!
d.      Attention, please!

The following dialog is for questions 4-5!
Teacher  : ………(4)! We will have English daily test tomorrow.
Students : (the students are noisy)
Teacher  : ……………(5)
Students : Sure Ma’am.
Teacher  : We will have English daily test tomorrow. Don’t forget to prepare for the test!
Student  : Yes Ma’am. We will do our best.
Teacher  : Okay, that’s all for today! See you tomorrow!
Students : Thank you Ma’am. See you!

a.       Listen to me!
b.      Can you hear me?
c.       Look at me!
d.      Are you with me?

a.       Listen to me!
b.      Can you hear me?
c.       May I have your attention, please!
d.      Are you with me?